Acum chiar putem spune ca vine iarna, nu pentru ca nu as astepta-o, o astept pentru ca stiu ca trebuie sa vina iarna inainte sa vina primavara si sa incep din nou sa imi fac planuri. Dar si iarna este foarte buna pentru planuri. Eu le-am inceput deja...dar asta este pentru o postare viitoare.
Intre timp ne pregatim pentru iarna. Cum? Pai taind trandafirii si protejandu-i de ger. Am avut si nadejde!
Trandafirii mei arata ca niste oameni de zapada care sunt semipregatiti sa intampine gerul.Spun semipregatiti pentru ca am sa le mai pun o folie de plastic pentru ca sa fiu sigura ca sunt bine echipati.
Intre timp ne pregatim pentru iarna. Cum? Pai taind trandafirii si protejandu-i de ger. Am avut si nadejde!
Chiar ca niste mici oameni de zapada :) Le lipseste doar nasul de morcov. Sa treaca peste iarna cu bine !
ReplyDeleteMultumesc Dani! Chiar de azi noapte a inceput sa ninga, deci am intrat oficial in iarna...
DeleteHi Adriana, you certainly went all the way out and did a fantastic job in protecting your roses. Hope it pays off and the plastic sheets help to get them safely through your winter. Here in Southern California I am also busy working on my roses. But I am preparing them for spring: deleaving, pruning, fertilizing and mulching. Lots and lots to do, I better get going. Wishing you a nice week!
Hello Christina, thank you for visiting my blog! Right now we have 14 degrees Farenheit so I am pretty glad I did that.They anounced even lower temperatures.If it's spring there that means you have a lot of work to do in the garden! I know you have beautiful roses, I now you can't waith to see them blooming! I am waiting for Spring too but we still have to pass through 3 months of winter...By the way...the woman in the picture is my grandmother :D. She likes helping me with the flowers.That way we spend more time together. Good luck with preparing your garden and I hope you will visit me soon!